Cameroon utility Electricity Development Corp. (EDC) invites expressions of interest from consultants to develop a framework for integrated water resources management in the Sanaga River Basin, site of more than half of Cameroon's 13,700 MW of hydropower potential. Responses are due May 30.

Government utility Electricity Development Corp. (EDC) plans to use part of the multi-lateral funding for the 30-MW Lom Pangar hydroelectric project to hire consultants to develop an integrated water resources plan for the Sanaga. EDC recruited consultants in 2012 to serve on a dam safety panel and to manage an environmental and social management plan for Lom Pangar.

A ceremony in August marked the beginning of work on Lom Pangar, whose construction on the Sanaga is being financed by the African Development Bank, World Bank, European Investment Bank, Development Bank of Central African States, and the French Development Agency.

EDC said the current solicitation seeks to establish a framework for integrated water resources management of the Sanaga that will provide sustainable development to benefit the nation and its people. An inventory study finds the Sanaga watershed holds 55 percent of the potential 115 terawatt-hours of hydropower production possible in Cameroon.

The Sanaga is the site of the 263-MW Edea and 396-MW Song Loulou hydroelectric projects as well as the proposed 330-MW Nachtigal and Lom Pangar projects. In addition to its own 30 MW, Lom Pangar is to increase water storage for an additional 120 MW of production capacity at Edea and Song Loulou.

EDC seeks consultants to: organize a stakeholder workshop to introduce the integrated water resources management approach: audit the current hydro-meteorological and water resources monitoring system; define protocols for data processing and exchange to manage water; propose a legal and institutional framework; develop budget management and a financing mechanism; and conduct an impact study of the proposed water resources management.

Expressions of interest and qualifications are due by noon May 30 either by e-mail to and or by registered mail to Electricity Development Corp., Immeuble Hibiscus, Avenue Charles Degaulle, 4ieme etage, porte 412, Yaounde, Cameroon. Submissions are to be labeled "Manifestation d'Interet d'un Consultant pour l'Assistance Tecnique dans la Mise en Place d'un Cadre de Gestion Integree des Ressources en Eau du Bassin de la Sanaga."

For information, contact Electricity Development Corp. (EDC), Immeuble Hibiscus, Hippodrome, 3eme etage, porte 313, B.P. 15111, Yaounde, Cameroon; (237) 22-231089; Fax: (237) 22-231113; E-mail: ; Internet:

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